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Stu Simpson

An experienced singer, musician, producer and qualified teacher.  As a singer, I learnt the hard way that bad vocal technique can leave you frustated and unable to progress.  At worst it can lead to damaged larynx potentially ending a career.
When I first started singing, I would blindly force my voice into hitting the high notes night after night  until eventually I developed vocal nodules.​  Wondering if I would ever sing properly again, I began to research vocal technique.  After just a few months of studying vocal technique with one of the UK's  most experienced vocal coaches, I realised that correct technique would help me to repair the damage to my voice. Within a year of using a healthy phonation, my voice had started to repair itself.  5 years down the line, my larynx were back to good health and could not only hit all the notes I used to be able to hit, I could now hit higher notes for longer with more power and agility.
I am dedicated to helping my students understand the way in which the voice works, so that they can create the voice they want, without having to suffer the trauma and frustration of unhealthy phonation.

The Technique

There are hundreds of YouTube bloggers and internet vocal coaches out there promising their technique is the only way. Many of which contradict each other.  I have studied most of the popular methods available e.g Speech Level Singing, CVI, Bel Canto, and selected the parts of each that I believe to be affective. I base this on the fact that they worked for me and many people I have taught.  I am living proof that singing is something that can be learned and not something we are born with.​
The foundations of my vocal technique lie within the Estill Model.  A method of voice production that teaches you about the various components that affect the acoustics of YOU.  Through learning how to manipulate these components you will be able to improve your range, tone and power. From there you will be free to make your own artistic choices to become the singer you want to be!!!!
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